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Mon - Fri 8:00 - 18:00 / Sunday 8:00 - 14:00
Middleton, Manchester M24 4PQ, UK

Awakening The Journey

I wonder about spiritual awakening as I’ve been on this so-called path for quite a few years now and it seems that there is lots of information out there, not to mention the thousands of different practices that are available to assist people to awaken to their true self. In my case, I wasn't looking for…

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Values And Life

In life, we share so much with others. In our families, careers, relationships, and businesses and in our daily lives, we engage in so many interactions that call for our attention. We all have wants and desires, and sometimes they won’t be aligned with what other people want and desire for themselves or for you. We can…

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Using Reiki for Anxiety

Have you ever had anxiety, that feeling that just grips your gut with the impending fear that you're going to die accompanied by a mental sense of dread along with palpitations and breathing craziness. While anxiety is a natural response to anxious situations, many people feel it when there is no reason at all... Now,…

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Tried Meditating?

Have you ever tried meditating and just felt that your mind became louder and louder like a busy market street? And the more you tried to quieten your mind the louder it got! Frustration is usually the first experience people encounter when beginning mediation. Why could this be? Well, from my own experience, it begins with our…

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