Reiki First Degree Course

Are you now ready to begin your journey of Healing and Transformation? A Reiki First Degree Course (Reiki Level 1) is your first step on the path to healing and developing wellbeing in your life

Reiki has become a popular way to increase wellbeing, relieve stress and bring more peace into your life. Rei – means Universal and Ki – means life force energy. When you become attuned to Reiki you literally have access to this amazing healing energy for the rest of your life as and when you choose to use it.
✅ Are you wanting to reduce stress and feel calmer in your daily life?
✅ Do you want to heal past trauma that is impacting your life right now?
✅ Do you ever feel like your mind races at night and find it difficult to sleep well?
✅ Would you like to experience a deep sense of wellbeing and relaxation?
✅ Do you have pain and inflammation in your body that you want to reduce?
✅ Would you like to reconnect with your inner self and develop mentally, emotionally, Spiritually?
✅ Do you want to increase your confidence, motivation and self belief to live your best life?
If YOU answered yes to the above questions
Reiki First Degree is for you 🙏🏽

What you receive and learn:
- Receive 4 Attunements over 2 sessions, approx 2.5 hours each
- Learn how to conduct a Reiki Self Treatment
- Learn how to facilitate a Reiki Mini Treatment on others
- Learn how to facilitate a full body Reiki Treatment on others
- Understand the Reiki History and learn the 5 Reiki Principles
- Receive Reiki First Degree Manual
- Receive Reiki Self Treatment Music audio
- First Degree Certificate
Reiki First Degree Courses are run over two sessions a week apart. This gives students the time to begin practicing and experiencing the benefits Reiki.
The Next course dates are as follows:
Arranged at a time to suit you 121 tuition or group workshops, dates TBC
Venue location is in the Chadderton Area of Oldham and Details are given at time of booking.
For full course information and requirements click here: Reiki Courses information
Claim the £10 Advanced Booking Discount by Adding Coupon “Reiki1Ten” at Checkout
The Course Fee is £130.00